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Building on its strengths in the purification of biologics, Advantek with its headquarters in Hong Kong is engaged in the R&D, commercialization and manufacture of biopharmaceutical products. Saving Lives Through Safe Biologics¨ is our motto to reflect a mission of bringing safe therapeutic proteins to patients in need particularly those living in developing countries.

At Advantek, blood plasma donated by healthy individuals immunized with Hepatitis B vaccine and tested negative for HIV, HBV, HCV and other known viruses is utilized as the starting material to produce safe therapeutic proteins for the treatment of a broad array of diseases. Plasma is collected from qualified plasmapheresis centers following guidelines stipulated by regulatory authorities worldwide. Our GMP manufacturing process is incorporated with Amersham Biosciences' chromatographic systems for biologics purification, New York Blood Center's Solvent/Detergent virus inactivation method and a number of other recognized technologies, so as to further enhance product safety and quality. Viral reduction capability of this process is being validated by Bioreliance. Patients' safety and right are thus safeguarded.

Custom services for the purification of peptides and proteins of both clinical and research grades are our regular services. Advantek also manufactures and distributes a wide spectrum of antibodies, enzymes, cofactors, antisera and depleted plasmas used in laboratory research and diagnostics.
SARS Antiserum (Horse)

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